The Worlds Best Building Material
The advantages of building and making just about anything out of hemp stalks are so numerous that we apologize If we've left out something important, but here's just a few of reasons why everything from the houses we live in to our plastic utensils should now be made from hemp....
1. It takes years for trees to grow before they can be harvested for wood, but hemp is ready for harvesting in just 4-5 months.
2. Hemp is Cheaper, Lighter, and Much Less Toxic for Humans and the Environment.

The United States continues to lag behind other countries like the U.K. and France in utilizing industrial hemp for all kinds of building materials. Here's an interview from the National Hemp Association, NHA, with a Canadian home builder who is using hempcrete for the first time. Click on the NHA logo at right for the whole story.
3. Anti-Fungal and Anti-Bacterial qualities along with breathability and temperature capabilities of hemp make Buildings much healthier and cost saving.

4. Hempcrete is also VERY FIRE RESISTANT. Recent ASTM E84 Burning Behavior Tests done on samples from Hempitecture scored a big ZERO on both the flamespread and smoke developed index. Click on the Hempitecture icon for the independent test results.